Universal and Elegant Arrangements
Clients often ask what they should order for their different events or for gifts. If you are ever in doubt about what someone likes or...
Want to try to re-grow your orchid?
As previously stated, orchids are a pretty hot topic here at the store, so we thought we’d talk about them a little more. Who here is...
Interested in Learning How to Open a Stubborn Bud?
When you have fresh cut flowers with closed buds that you want open faster, there are a few steps you can take. First, cut the stems...
Valentine's Day-Traditional or Modern
Many people feel torn on Valentine’s Day because they wonder if they should stray from traditional red roses. Do you need to get your...
The Great Orchid Watering Debate
Many of you have asked us questions about your orchids. One of the biggest debates about orchids is about watering them. There are two...